
Experience Indulgence

The Schalk family proudly stands behind each product with their name, promising quality through our motto, “Our Values – Your Guarantee” To offer you a glimpse into our sustainable and innovative operations, we invite you to join one of our personalized tours. Explore Schalk Mühle with a dedicated team member and enjoy an exclusive behind-the-scenes experience.

Reserve your tour online today!

Student and group rates available upon request.

Discovery Tour

Duration ca. 1 h 15 Min.


Adults (18+ years) ...................... EUR 8
Groups of 10 or more .................... EUR 6 per person

Youth (10–18 years) .................... EUR 5

Monday to Friday: 10 AM & 2 PM

Groups of 10 or more can also book weekend and holiday tours by appointment.

  • Getreidemühle
  • Ölpresse-Musem
  • Wasserkraftwerk-Museum
  • Verkostung
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Discover Our Mill Tours

Experience the unique journey through Schalk Mühle with our personalized tours. Under the motto “For the Love of the Future,” you’ll see how we can still produce sustainably and fairly, focus on quality, and revitalize our region today.

Tour Highlights:

  • Rustic Grain Mill: Start your adventure in our 6-story wooden grain mill, featuring machines from the 1950s, which were manually operated until the end of 2020, producing high-quality flour. Don’t miss the original Osttiroler grain mill made from pine wood—a rare gem you must see!
  • Hydropower Plant Museum: Next, visit our lovingly restored hydropower plant museum. Here, you’ll learn about the journey from water to electricity and understand the differences between historical and modern hydroelectric plants. Our 100-year-old power plant, equipped with a Francis turbine, remains functional today and was in operation until 2015, generating 1,200 kWh daily.
  • Oil Press Museum: The tour continues in the oil press museum, where you can explore one of the oldest methods of producing Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil PGI. This traditional and now rare production technique is a true highlight!
  • Tasting Experience: Conclude your tour with a tasting of our oils and seeds—crafted in the finest organic quality, using 100% Austrian raw materials, and produced sustainably and CO2-neutrally. It’s all “For the Love of the Future.” Take your time to savor and appreciate our handcrafted products while we provide guidance and advice.

We look forward to welcoming you!


Discounts for large groups and students available upon request.
By email:
By phone: +43 33 85 31 280

Tour Times

Monday to Friday: 10 AM & 2 PM